Snowbreak Containment Zone Tier List

Snowbreak Containment Zone

Snowbreak Containment Zone Tier List (July 2024)

Snowbreak Containment Zone is a 3D sci-fi RPG shooter that delivers a next-generation, cross-platform gameplay experience that shares your progress across all your devices. The game allows you to choose your favorite character from a list of more than 12 characters to fight aliens with many strange shapes. However, not all characters have the same power. So we decided to share with you guide to Snowbreak Containment Zone Tier List to help you understand who is the best, strongest character in the game.

About Snowbreak Containment Zone

Snowbreak Containment Zone
Snowbreak Containment Zone

Tired of exploring alone? Join your friends and fight the enemy together! Snowbreak: Containment Zone with a design that closely simulates future weapon technology. This combines with otherworldly RPG-like skill mechanics to create a refreshing combat experience.

Descendants of giants have turned a once vibrant city into the ravaged wasteland of the Aleph Containment Zone. As Auxiliary of the Heimdall Force, bravely embark on missions alongside the Manifestations with the powers of the gods and unique personalities, seeking to end this bitter winter… Snowbreak’s weapons inject realism into a sci-fi setting.

The game has an incredible story about the earth being destroyed by giant creatures called Titans in the year 2057. To fight these Titans, the Heimdall unit rises in the year 2060. So now you have to reveal all the details of the Titans attack, and for that you have to play the game after the global launch.

The main story is the first game mode you will unlock in this game and this main story consists of the main combat missions that you need to complete. Completing the main story will be the only way to unlock other content in this game. So when given the opportunity, you should start the main story and continue to finish them.

Snowbreak Containment Zone Tier List (July 2024)

Snowbreak Containment Zone Tier List
Snowbreak Containment Zone Tier List

Welcome to Snowbreak Containment Zone Tier List! Remember that all characters in Snowbreak Containment Zone have different strengths, different playstyles, and they can suit many different strategies. That’s why we wanted to share this guide with you. In this guide, we will help you find out who is the best character in Snowbreak Containment Zone.

The important thing for role-playing games like Eternal Three Kingdoms, Crash Fever is how you choose the character and then maybe the character upgrade. Therefore, you need to understand all the characters in the game from skill, utility, rarity,… And here we will help you know who is the best and best hero in Snowbreak Containment Zone.

The following tier list is based on our gaming experience and can serve as a useful guide in a variety of situations. However, it is important to consider your own playstyle and strategy when choosing your squad.

All information about the characters and Tier List of Snowbreak Containment Zone will be shared by us in this guide. With the information mentioned in this list will help you know what are the best characters in the game to add to your team.

In this guide, we’ve looked at each character’s strength, rarity, and versatility to rank them from high to low. Because each character has their own strengths and weaknesses, we’ll break down the characters and rank them from tier S (best) to tier C (worst). This way you will find your best companions. In there:

  • Tier S: are the best heroes of the game, Tier S heroes are the characters that you must have or should own. If you own a tier S character, don’t hesitate, prioritize upgrading them if you can.
  • Tier A: these heroes are also considered good heroes and can be substituted for Tier S heroes if you have a hard time getting them. Tier A characters are a bit more common than tier S characters, so you can get them in a variety of ways.
  • Tier B: tier B characters can be easily found in the game. Although not the best characters, they will be very useful for you for the starting stage.
  • Tier C: The strength of tier C characters is just average. These characters are viable for some stages of the game but it will take a lot of resources and effort to make them strong.

Below is the Snowbreak Containment Zone Tier List:

SYao (Winter Solstice)
Marian (Swift)
Fenny (Coronet)
ALyfe (Wild Hunt)
Acacia (Redacted)
Yao (Quiet Quitter)
BFritia (Little Sunshine)
Enya (Big Sis)
Marian (Queen of Pain)
Mauxir (Kitty)
CLyfe (Wednesday)
Cherno (Those Two)
Fenny (Lionheart)
Haru (The Ace)
Nita (Hands)

Note: This Snowbreak Containment Zone Tier List is made based on limited knowledge and testing is done for all game characters. The leaderboard looks at a character’s overall performance, abilities, and usefulness in different situations. We recommend only referencing from this tier list to build your strategy.

Best Characters in Snowbreak Containment Zone Tier List

Yao (Winter Solstice)

Yao Winter Solstice Snowbreak
Yao Winter Solstice Snowbreak

Yao is nothing else, the best boss hit DPS in the game. She has crazy synergy with Space Cowboy. She has a powerful “Scorching Sun Awakening” skill that deals great damage with a high rate of fire, unleashes continuous shots

Also, your ultimate, Searing Resurrection, allows you to deal more damage and reduce all damage taken while the ultimate isn’t active. But it’s worth noting that Yao’s position of honor is partly due to Space Cowboy, which allows her to shoot much more often.

Both the neurons for her active skill and her ultimate are very strong investments. Her ability to assist is less important anyway, as situations where you wouldn’t want her to be your active agent anyway are few and far between.

Marian (Swift)

Marian is another 5-star sniper character in the top best character in Snowbreak with excellent fighting ability. When activating the skill Cloud Shot, Marian can automatically target by accumulating enough expression. You can make well-aimed shots at a target without aiming.

To enemies marked with Cloud Shot, Marian’s skill deals 20% more damage. So Marian is a great choice for both beginners who don’t want to aim and pros who can deal extra damage thanks to their skills.

Fenny (Coronet)

While it may seem like an awkward attempt at first to make a DPS shotgun possible, Coronet has a very strong self-buff from her active skill, Optimal Conditions, and AoE crowd control from her ultimate skill, Center Stage, to buy you space to work in.

Thanks to the Optimal Condition skill and ultimate skill Center Stage, Fenny excelled in the role against both solo bosses and hordes of enemies. In addition, thanks to her support skills, Fenny can directly buff the active character, which makes this character even more worthwhile.


Above are all instructions about Snowbreak Containment Zone Tier List that we want to share with you. You can use this information to find the best angels to accompany you to explore the world of Snowbreak Containment Zone. Don’t forget to follow us regularly for the latest Tier List updates. Because in the future, the developer will update more new heroes.

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